Forget Perfect!

Forget Perfect!


We had a better turnout at my sister’s bridal shower than I could have hoped for.  There were relatives at our house that I had not seen in years and years!   I was trying to speak with a guest in the kitchen, in spite of a thunderstorm and the noise from the party, when Grace, my sister’s soon-to-be step-daughter, tugged at my arm to say something.  I smiled at her and said, “in a minute.”   She tugged at my arm again, and I said the same thing.  Finally, she yelled to me, “The roses are on fire!”  I screamed, and ran into the living room.  After I moved the vase off the fireplace mantle, I asked her why she didn’t say something!  The look she gave me was priceless.

That was a teachable moment.  I learned I can plan events to what I think is the smallest detail and yet things happen.  And, most importantly, it is no big deal.  If everyone is having a fun time, I’m happy. Incidentally, we have laughed more different times when the subject of those roses come up.  Mistakes can make the funniest memories…down the road.